Overview to Get to Know More

Resume Rabbit is similar to any other resume posting service on the market. It is since they utilize some technology system to post your resume, but it is not quite clear whether it is patented or not. It might be up to 60 of the chosen job sites. They generate all the accounts by themselves, but there is no guarantee they will be accurate. Then they log in on your behalf. So it is rather risky and dangerous to use this service. Looking for new job opportunities might be complicated.
Range of Services – Resume Rabbit is such a resume posting service that might help you find your job, but it will not be fast. They target at eliminating the time you should spend to post your CV online. They claim to partner with 60 job sites to ensure your resume is sent to big companies that might be interested in your experience and skills. However, the truth is that it is a rather difficult and tedious procedure for experts to share their resume.
Pricing and Discount Policy

The Resume Rabbit pricing is not rather clear for the users at the very beginning. So, there might be surprises or hidden charges later on. There is a one-time fee that is $59.95, according to the information on the website. You are entitled to boosted resume exposure and have access to premium 60 job sites utilized by recruiters. However, your information is not completely confidential when posting and searching. Meaning, your current employer might get to know that you utilized this service.
We were disappointed with the overall quality of the service. The data you give is utilized to fill in forms of 60 job sites. However, we noticed that the customer’s experience and skills are not described well. So, your potential employer might not be aware of some of the important details about you as a professional.
Resume Rabbit is definitely not the website for all. First of all, it is so because you should pay a bit more if compared to more affordable services. However, offers such guarantees as:
- Resume is posted confidentially.
- Job mail web-based email service & spam filtering.
- The website offers no warranties at all.
- You have access to up to 60 job sites.
There are several ways of how to contact customer support. You may do it be call or email.

Unfortunately, there is no live chat feature so you will have to wait for a long time sometimes to get the answer.
Online Reputation
It is sad to mention that the vast majority of Resume Rabbit customers claim they were unhappy about using this resume posting service. Very few of them told that they were completely satisfied with the quality of the service.
Pros and Cons
The website is difficult to use because not all the information that is necessary is placed on the landing page. So, you will have to search for the necessary data yourself with much effort.
- The resume is posted automatically. So, you will save a lot of energy and time. When you upload your resume and select the websites, the account will be created by them. The only thing you will have to do is keep viewing your progress on the dashboard.
- There is no live chat feature available. Meaning, you will have to wait for a long time to get the response to your question or query.
- The customer support is closed on weekends. No way you will get the assistance on Saturday or Sunday which is rather inconvenient.
All things considered; we would not recommend Resume Rabbit to use if you want to find a new job fast. As long as you will have to wait for a long time until the customer support reacts to your claim, it will be better to utilize another service.
FAQ – Main features of Resume Rabbit services:
How is different from other resume posting services?
This website claims to use patented technology to post your resumes automatically. So, it is possible to assume that the resumes will be posted fast. However, in reality, it takes a lot of time to get a response from the recruiters. Therefore, it will be better to utilize some other resume posting service.
How long will it take to post my resume?
According to the website, it will take you less than an hour to post your resume. However, the truth is that as long as there is no live chat option, you will have to wait for a day or two until customer support reads and responds to your email message. Therefore, you will have to be prepared to wait for a couple of days.
How does posting resume automatically work?
When you upload your resume to and select the preferred job sites, the system begins to create the accounts and post your resume. You might view your progress on the dashboard. Note that the information is updated not very quickly. So again, you will have to wait.
Is it possible to hide the job search from the current boss?
Resume Rabbit features an option such as “Keep My Identity Confidential”. If you select it, your boss will never get to know that you are using this service. However, you should not forget to choose this option, using the website, because your information will not be hidden automatically.
Who might view my data?
Your personal data will be exposed to up to 60 job websites. More than 1,5 million of recruiters from all over the world will have access to your information. So, if you are afraid about the fact your current employer will get to know about the fact you utilized service, you would better opt using another service. This is because sometimes the data is presented in a messy and incorrect way, according to some customers. People make mistakes, but sometimes a mistake might cost a life.
Is my credit card secure with Resume Rabbit?
The company offers a wide range of payment options, claiming your credit card data will be safe and secure. However, we have not found any testimonials proving that it is really so which is quite suspicious. Therefore, if you doubt whether to entrust your credit card information or not, you would better use another service.
What is the way the prospective employer will contact me?
The Resume Rabbit claims that the employer will contact you by direct messaging on Resume Rabbit Account. Also, they might do it via a job website where your CV will be posted. Nevertheless, this service is not one of the most reliable ones because they actually guarantee nothing. According to the Terms and Conditions, Resume Rabbit does not guarantee almost everything which sounds rather risky.
How can I contact the website support when I need some assistance?
There are two main ways of how you can do it: by call or by email. Note that as long as there is no live chat option, you will have to wait for a long and long time until you get an answer to your question. Therefore, Resume Rabbit is a rather old-fashioned website which is not developed and good if it comes to its usability.
10 responses to “ Overview to Get to Know More”
They are fast with getting your payment. Their payment system is probably the only thing working fast! The rest is very slow. Customer support is not responsive. It is a real trouble to get in touch with them. So if you want to solve the issue or return your money, do not hope even to do that.
I could never imagine that I will ever be in search of a new job, so I already probably lost my skills in resume writing. But in times of crisis in my company, I had to start my search again. First of all, I asked a professional to write my resume for me so it would look more or less good. Then, I came across and decided to pay them to find my potential employer. Their services are not that cheap, so I thought that I would be getting tons of offers. It didn’t happen, though. I just got a couple of offers from some companies whose specialization wasn’t even close to what I was looking for. And that’s it. I think it was a waste of money for me. Maybe you will be luckier with that service. promises 1.5 million impressions, but I can say these are just empty words. I have ordered a good resume to post it there, but I got nothing, no offers from companies, my potential employers. I do not think they’ve posted true reviews on their site because they do not keep any of their promises.
As for me, $60 is not an unbelievable amount for posting your resume to all possible sites at once. So I decided to try. But frankly speaking, I was not satisfied with the quality because I literally got nothing for that amount. I didn’t get any single offer for the whole month. Maybe my resume wasn’t written properly, but I was sure about its quality, so I think they just didn’t do their job well.
This resume helper didn’t help me. They charge almost $60 for just posting your resume to other sites. Many of those sites are very unreliable and have a very bad reputation among job seekers from the USA and UK, so I think this is a bit expensive for some doubtful quality. works with other sites, and many of them are absolutely not reputable, so this scared me off at once. I cannot use the services of someone who is in partnership with doubtful services having tons of negative reviews worldwide. So I didn’t even use it because their reputation was under question for me.
When I registered on, I was hoping to get some professional help with creating a great resume for me. But as I found out later, they are just an intermediary and simply post your resume on the recruitment sites. Maybe it is good for someone who wants to post his resume on more than 100 sites, but I just needed a good resume, so it was not helpful for me.
This service is just a scam. The reviews on their site are all fake, and I am sure in it. I didn’t get any promised results. I have made an order with them but got nothing in return. Only after placing an order, I could see that they have a partnership with some sites where I already was scammed, so I cannot trust this service at all. If their partners are scammers, then how can they not be a scam?
This site is useless. I joined them to post my resume wherever I can to find a god job the soonest. However, they didn’t meet my expectations. I didn’t get a single offer for a month, so I believe my resume was written poorly, or they just didn’t post it where they promised. is just an intermediary between other platforms, and you cannot expect anything good from the mediators. Moreover, I have found some scamming sites among their partners, so I do not think they really care about their reputation, just are interested in job seekers to give them as much money as possible.